Tuesday, December 9, 2014

~~ Life in the small world..~~

London felt colder than Stockholm!
I presented my paper at UCC 2014, on the 8th of December, 2014. This is my master thesis paper. This is the second (also, the last) paper produced from my masters thesis.All the other papers from now onwards are my PhD papers. :P

UK has become the 10th country that I have visited. Have a long list to go. :D My London trip (7th - 12th, December 2014) had two interesting highlights. Second one was, I presented my paper, which was effectively the core of my master thesis work. It was a full paper (so I had 20 + 5 minutes to present).

First one was meeting my room mate (I only had one room mate so far - that was in Stockholm), who made my stay in Stockholm remarkably pleasant, sharing the happy and sad moments of life. We met after almost one year, as we both had moved to different universities, thanks to our mobility programs. 

When we move to another country (or even city), we start everything from the scratch. We learn new things; we change a bit; we hopefully improve. When we move out from the place, we don't move completely. We leave part of us wandering around, in the place that we lived. We become scattered - our memories become. I have only lived in 3 places so far - Colombo (Sri Lanka) -> Lisbon (Portugal) -> Colombo (Sri Lanka) -> Stockholm (Sweden) -> Lisbon (Portugal) was my life in a nutshell since 2012. When I left Lisbon to continue my studies in KTH, Stockholm, I missed Lisbon. Same happened to a considerable extend when I moved back to Lisbon. I missed Stockholm.
We always gain new friends - some we even call family - brothers and sisters from many countries. When we go back, the people we met may have moved out. But the memories remain. 

Meeting my brother who tolerated my weird nature and owl life style for one whole semester surely made a highlight of my London trip. I got the interesting updates since I left Stockholm, while having a quick tour around London. We will meet again. Small world, after all. 

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